Read the following SALIENT FEATURES OF THE STATUES GOVERNING RE-EVALUATION carefully and if you agree then  CLICK on the NEXT button appears at the bottom after accepting all the conditions .


1).The fee for Re-evaluation shall be Rs.980/- (or as notified from time to time) per answer script for a count of 10 days from the date of declaration of main result (excluding the day of the declaration of main result). The form shall also be accepted with a late fee of Rs.550/- (or as notified from time to time) per answer script for another count of 3 days. Late fee of Rs. 1130/- will be charged for late entertainment of application form for re-evaluation for another count of 2 days after the expiry of count of 3 days with late fee. Thereafter no application form shall be accepted. Fee once paid shall not be refunded except as per 8 below.

In case of online fee Transaction fees/Service charges charged would not be refunded/reversed for any refund or reversal or chargeback transaction. Transaction fees charged would be borne by the applicant/student for any payment

2). The candidate, whose result is kept withheld on account of Disputed Eligibility, shall be eligible to submit the prescribed application form within the statutory period only. Therefore, such candidates should get the formalities completed for settling Disputed Eligibility immediately so as to avail of the opportunity for re-evaluation.

3). The candidates whose result is declared late under ‘Later ON’ Category shall be required to deposit their re-evaluation form, if they so desire, within ten days of the date of declaration of the concerned result, University office at Jammu, if due date has expired.

4). Candidates has no need to deposit the hard copy of the re-evaluation FORM at University in any case if you have filled the FORM online. Candidates shall only have to keep with them the online payment transaction reciept printed/downloaded after submitting the online form with online fee for their reference only.For any failure payment transaction, University is not responsible at any cost. In case the payment gets deducted from the candidate's account and is not received at University end, candidates are advised to mail at or  with the detail like rollno ,transacton reference number ,date etc.

5). In case any candidate does not get the marks certificate within ten days from the date of declaration of the result he/she should contact the re-evaluation section of the University of Jammu. No application form shall be entertained after the prescribed date on the plea of non-receipt of result/marks certificate.

6).  i.    Re-evaluation will be done by an independent examiner. The score obtained by the student in re-evaluation shall be final.

      ii.  The score obtained earlier in the main examination by the candidate shall be considered as   surrendered.

      iii. The candidate has to accept the Re-evaluation result as final and irrevocable whether   FAVOURABLE or UNFAVOURABLE and no further

           re-evaluation shall be allowed.

7).   Candidates having failed or placed under re-appear category who intend to apply for re-evaluation are advised in their own interest, to submit also permission-cum-admission form for subsequent examination simultaneously so as to obviate the risk of losing a chance of examination, pending declaration of re-evaluation result, which can be unfavourable also.

8).   If University is unable to get the answer book/s of any candidate re-evaluated due to the loss of the same in transit or otherwise, the candidate shall be entitled only to following relief:-

(a)    Refund of full fee paid by him/her for re-evaluation of the concerned answer script/s

(b)   Re-examination in the concerned paper/s without payment of fee at the time of subsequent examination provided a written request is made by the candidate for the said purpose.

Please Note : If you attempting second time, all your previous entries will be erased/deleted automatically.
Do you accept all the 8 points?
If You Have already tried Online payment and Amount is Deducted Click Here to check Status of your payment or Reprint your duplicate reciept.(Pz. wait for atleast  24 hours for Payment Status to get updated in case of any disperancy)